What Size Jointer Do You Need? [To Big or Too Small?]

Are you in the market for a jointer but unsure of what size to get? It can be overwhelming with all the different options available. But fear not, we are here to help you make an informed decision.

The size of a jointer is determined by the width of its cutter head. The wider the cutter head, the larger the jointer.

But how do you know what size jointer is right for you? Factors such as the types of wood you will be working with and the size of your shop all play a role in determining what size jointer will best suit your needs.

Let’s explore these factors further and help you figure out what size jointer is perfect for your workshop.

So, What Size Jointer Do You Really Need?

Choosing the right size jointer can be a daunting task, like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But fear not! We’re here to help you make the right decision.

The size of jointer you need ultimately depends on the type of projects you’ll be working on. If you’re a DIY enthusiast and only work on small projects, then an 8-inch jointer would suffice. However, if you’re planning on tackling larger projects such as furniture or cabinetry, then a 12-inch jointer is the way to go.

It’s important to remember that investing in a larger jointer will give you more flexibility and precision when it comes to your woodworking needs. Don’t let the size intimidate you – just think of it as an investment in your craft that will pay off in the long run.

What Are The Typical Sizes Of Jointers Available In The Market?

So, now that you know what size jointer you really need, let’s explore the typical sizes of jointers available in the market.

When it comes to jointers, there are three main sizes: 6-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch. Here are some key characteristics and benefits of each size:

  • 6-inch jointers are the smallest and most affordable option. They’re great for hobbyists or those with limited space in their workshop.
  • 8-inch jointers are a step up from 6-inch models and offer greater capacity for larger boards. They’re also more powerful and offer more precise cuts.
  • 12-inch jointers are the largest and most expensive option. They’re typically used by professionals who need to handle large volumes of wood on a daily basis.

It’s important to note that while larger jointers may seem like the ideal choice, they may not be necessary for everyone. It ultimately depends on your specific needs and budget.

So before making a purchase, consider factors such as your available workspace, budget, and the types of projects you plan on working on.

Remember that choosing the right size jointer is just one part of the equation when it comes to achieving professional-quality results in woodworking. Proper maintenance and technique are also crucial components of success.

Which Size Of Jointer Is Suitable For What Kind Of Project?

Small jointers are great for small projects, like creating edges and smoothing out rough surfaces.

For larger projects, like creating long boards and straightening bowed boards, mid-sized jointers are the way to go.

And if you’re tackling really big projects, like making large mouldings and other types of joinery, then you’ll need a large jointer.

Small Jointers

If you’re a woodworker who’s just starting out, you might be wondering whether you need a jointer at all. And if you do, what size should you get?

Well, for smaller projects like making picture frames or bookshelves, a small jointer may be all that you need. These machines typically have a cutting width of 6 inches or less, which is perfect for working with narrow boards. Plus, they take up less space in your shop and are usually more affordable than larger models.

But don’t let their size fool you – small jointers can still produce flat and straight boards when used properly. So before investing in a bigger machine, consider the scale of your projects and whether a small jointer might be sufficient for your needs.

Mid-Sized Jointers

Now, let’s talk about mid-sized jointers and their suitability for different types of projects.

If you’re working on larger pieces like tables or cabinets, a small jointer may not be adequate. In this case, a mid-sized jointer with a cutting width of 8-12 inches would be more appropriate.

These machines are capable of handling wider boards and producing flatter surfaces than their smaller counterparts. They also tend to be sturdier and more powerful, which means they can handle tougher woods and deeper cuts.

However, keep in mind that mid-sized jointers take up more space and come with a higher price tag than the smaller ones. So, before making a purchase decision, consider the size and complexity of your projects along with your budget and available workspace.

Large Jointers

Moving on to larger jointers, they are the most powerful and capable machines in the jointer family. With a cutting width of 12-16 inches, they can handle even the widest boards and produce incredibly flat surfaces.

These machines are ideal for large-scale woodworking projects such as building house frames, making doors or windows, and creating custom furniture pieces. However, just like mid-sized jointers, they come with a higher price tag and take up more space than smaller ones.

Therefore, it’s essential to assess your project needs and available workspace before investing in a large jointer.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using A Larger Jointer Vs. A Smaller Jointer?

When it comes to choosing the right size jointer, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider.

A larger jointer can handle wider boards and produce flatter surfaces due to its longer bed and greater horsepower. However, a larger jointer is also more expensive and takes up more space in your workshop.

On the other hand, a smaller jointer is more affordable and compact, making it ideal for hobbyists or those with limited workspace. However, you may have to sacrifice width capacity and surface flatness when using a smaller jointer.

What Are Some Common Applications For Different Sizes Of Jointers In Woodworking Projects?

When deciding on what size jointer to use for your woodworking project, it’s important to consider the common applications for each size.

A 6-inch jointer is suitable for smaller projects and can handle lighter cuts, making it ideal for hobbyist woodworkers.

On the other hand, an 8-inch jointer is better suited for larger projects with wider boards, as it allows for deeper cuts and a smoother finish.

If you’re working on professional-level projects or frequently work with hardwoods, a 12-inch jointer may be necessary. It offers the ability to handle even larger boards and make deep cuts in one pass.

Additionally, a larger jointer tends to have more power and stability, resulting in less vibration and more accurate cuts.

In the end, the jointer size that fits your needs will rely on the projects you have in mind and your level of expertise in woodworking.

Ideal Size Of Jointer For A Beginner And Intermediate And Professional Woodworkers

While different sizes of jointers are suitable for specific woodworking projects, the ideal size for a beginner, intermediate, and professional woodworker may vary.

Some may argue that a beginner should start with a smaller jointer to avoid overwhelming themselves with a larger machine. However, it’s essential to note that investing in a larger jointer can save time and effort in the long run.

A 6-inch or 8-inch jointer is an excellent size for beginners as it provides enough space to flatten and square edges of boards efficiently.

On the other hand, intermediate woodworkers may require a more robust jointer such as a 12-inch model to handle larger stock sizes and produce more precise results.

As for professional woodworkers, they typically use 16-inch or even 20-inch jointers for their extensive woodworking projects.

At the end of the day, the perfect jointer size boils down to what you’re working on and what you’re looking for. It’s not about how much of a pro you are – it’s all about your unique needs and preferences.

What Factors Should Be Considered When Choosing A Jointer Size?

When choosing a jointer size, there are several factors to consider.

Firstly, the width of the boards you plan on working with should be taken into account. If you work with wider boards, then a larger jointer will be necessary.

Secondly, the amount of space you have in your workshop should also be considered. A larger jointer will require more space, so if your workshop is limited in space, a smaller jointer may be more suitable.

Lastly, your budget will also play a role in determining what size jointer you can afford. It’s important to find a balance between your needs and what you can afford to ensure that you make the best investment for your woodworking projects.

What Is The Cost Difference Between Different Sizes Of Jointers?

When it comes to jointers, there are different sizes that cater to varying needs. Of course, the bigger the jointer, the more expensive it becomes. But is it worth investing in a larger jointer?

It ultimately depends on your woodworking projects and goals. A smaller 6-inch jointer may suffice for hobbyists or those working on smaller projects, but professional woodworkers may require a larger 8-inch or even 12-inch jointer for larger scale work. Keep in mind that a larger jointer also requires more space and power consumption.

Therefore, it’s important to weigh the cost difference and your specific needs before making a decision.

How Much Space Is Required To Operate A Jointer Of Different Sizes?

Now that we’ve discussed the cost difference between different sizes of jointers, let’s talk about another important factor: space. Depending on the size of your workshop and the type of projects you plan to work on, the amount of space required to operate a jointer can vary significantly.

A larger jointer will require more space both in terms of its physical footprint and the clearance needed to feed longer pieces through it. On the other hand, a smaller jointer may not be able to handle wider boards or be as efficient at flattening rough lumber.

It’s important to consider both your available workspace and your woodworking goals when deciding what size jointer is best for you.

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to use a piece of equipment that just won’t fit in your workshop. A cramped workspace can lead to accidents and mistakes, so make sure you have enough room to safely operate your jointer. Don’t forget about ventilation! Larger jointers may produce more dust and require better air circulation.

If you plan on working with particularly wide or heavy boards, a larger jointer may be necessary to get the job done right. Remember that bigger isn’t always better – if you’re only working on small-scale projects, a smaller jointer might be all you need.

In summary, choosing the right size jointer requires careful consideration of both your available workspace and your woodworking needs. Take the time to measure out your shop and think about what types of projects you’ll be tackling before making a decision. With the proper planning, you’ll be able to enjoy smooth, flat boards without sacrificing valuable floor space.

to cut a long story short: What Size Jointer Do I Need?

When it comes to deciding what size jointer you need, there are a few things to consider.

The first is the width of the boards you will be working with. If you typically work with narrower boards, then a smaller jointer may suffice. However, if you frequently work with wider pieces, then a larger jointer would be more appropriate.

Another factor to consider is the length of the bed on the jointer. A longer bed allows for smoother and more accurate jointing of longer boards.

Additionally, you should think about how often you will use the machine and what type of projects you will be working on. If you only plan on using it occasionally or for small projects, then a smaller jointer may be all you need. However, if you are planning on using it frequently or for larger projects, then investing in a larger jointer may be worth it in the long run as it can save time and provide better results.

Ultimately, choosing the right size jointer depends on your specific needs and preferences as a woodworker.


So, what size jointer do you really need?

Well, the answer to that question depends on your specific woodworking needs. The typical sizes of jointers available in the market range from 4 inches to 16 inches, with each size offering its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

When considering which size jointer is suitable for your project, it’s important to take into account factors such as the type of wood you’ll be working with and the size of the boards you’ll be using.

While a larger jointer may offer more convenience and efficiency when working with larger pieces of wood, it may not always be necessary or cost-effective.

In conclusion, choosing the right size jointer is an essential part of any woodworking project. By carefully considering your specific needs and taking into account factors such as cost and space requirements, you can ensure that you select a jointer size that will help you achieve your desired results.

As they say, ‘measure twice, cut once’ – take the time to choose the right jointer size to avoid unnecessary mistakes and expenses down the road.