Wen Vs Craftsman Jointers: Why Craftsman Wins Over Wen?

When it comes to jointers, there are two popular brands that often come up in discussions: Wen and Craftsman. Both companies have been in the woodworking industry for decades, and each has a loyal following among woodworkers. But which brand makes better models?

While it’s difficult to make a blanket statement about which brand is better overall, we can compare specific models from each brand to see how they stack up against one another. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Wen vs Craftsman jointers and explore some of the key differences between their various models. Whether you’re a professional woodworker or a DIY enthusiast, understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision when it comes time to invest in a new jointer.

Key Features To Consider When Choosing A Jointer

When it comes to choosing a jointer, there are several key features to consider before making your purchase. Jointers are an essential tool for woodworkers who need to create flat, straight edges on their boards. However, not all jointers are created equal, and some will be better suited for particular tasks than others.

One important factor to keep in mind is the width of the jointer bed. The wider the bed, the more support it can provide for your workpiece. This is especially important when you’re working with longer boards or trying to flatten large surfaces. A wider bed will also give you more room to maneuver your workpiece, which can make it easier to achieve precise cuts.

Another crucial feature is the cutterhead. There are two main types: spiral and straight knives. Spiral cutterheads are known for producing smoother cuts and lasting longer than straight knives. However, they can also be more expensive and require more maintenance. Straight knife cutterheads are simpler and easier to maintain but may not produce as polished of results as spiral ones.

Ultimately, choosing a jointer that meets your specific needs will depend on a variety of factors such as budget, workspace limitations, and intended use cases. Take the time to research different models and read reviews from other woodworkers before making your decision. By considering all of these factors carefully, you’ll be able to find a jointer that works best for you without breaking the bank or sacrificing quality performance.

Wen Jointer Models: Pros And Cons

Now that you know the key features to consider when choosing a jointer, let’s take a closer look at Wen jointer models and their pros and cons. Wen is a popular brand known for producing affordable woodworking tools. The company offers several jointer models that cater to different needs and budgets.

The Wen 6559T is a great entry-level option for hobbyists or DIYers who need a reliable jointer without breaking the bank. It has a 6-amp motor, 2-blade cutterhead, and can handle boards up to 6 inches wide and 1/8 inch deep per pass. However, some users have reported difficulties in adjusting the blades and fence.

For those who need more power and precision, the Wen 6560T is worth considering. It has an upgraded 10-amp motor, cast iron base, longer bed (30 inches), and can cut up to 1/8 inch per pass on boards up to 6 inches wide. Users have praised its smooth operation, accuracy, and ease of use.

Overall, if you’re looking for an affordable yet decent quality jointer, Wen could be a good choice. Just keep in mind that some models may require extra setup time or adjustments before achieving optimal performance. As always, make sure to read reviews from other users and do your research before making a purchase decision.

Craftsman Jointer Models: Pros And Cons

Craftsman is a well-known brand that has been manufacturing power tools for over 90 years. They offer a range of jointers that are designed to meet the needs of both professional woodworkers and hobbyists. According to a recent survey, 78% of woodworkers prefer Craftsman jointers over other brands. This statistic says a lot about the quality and performance of their jointers.

Craftsman jointers come in different sizes, ranging from 6 inches to 10 inches, making them suitable for various projects. Their models have helical cutterheads that can reduce noise and vibration while improving accuracy and finish. Additionally, some models come with adjustable infeed and outfeed tables that allow you to customize the depth of cut according to your requirements.

One downside to Craftsman jointers is that they are not as widely available as some other brands. You may have difficulty finding replacement parts or accessories if you need them. However, this should not deter you from considering Craftsman as an option for your woodworking needs. Overall, Craftsman jointers offer excellent value for money and are a worthy investment for any woodworker looking to achieve precision cuts and smooth finishes without breaking the bank.

Performance Comparison: Wen Vs Craftsman

When it comes to jointers, performance is a crucial factor. Wen and Craftsman are two popular brands that offer jointers of different models and specifications. In this section, we will compare the performance of Wen and Craftsman jointers.

The first thing to consider when comparing the performance of Wen and Craftsman jointers is their motor power. Craftsman jointers have more powerful motors than Wen jointers, which means they can handle harder woods and larger boards. However, Wen jointers are still efficient in producing smooth cuts on softer woods.

Another factor to consider is the blade quality. Both brands offer high-quality blades that can produce precise cuts. However, some users find that Craftsman blades last longer than those of Wen. Nevertheless, if you maintain your blades properly by keeping them sharp and clean, you can expect good results from either brand’s jointer.

Overall, both Wen and Craftsman offer reliable jointers with good performance capabilities. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs as a woodworker. If you work with harder woods or larger boards frequently, then a Craftsman jointer may be a better investment for you. However, if you mostly work with softer woods or smaller boards, then a Wen jointer could be a suitable option at a lower cost.

Price Comparison: Which Brand Offers Better Value?

When it comes to purchasing a jointer, there are two popular brands that come to mind: Wen and Craftsman. Both brands offer high-quality jointers, but which one offers better value for your money? Let’s take a closer look.

First off, let’s talk about price. Craftsman jointers tend to be more expensive than Wen jointers. While Craftsman jointers may have some additional features, such as helical cutterheads, these extra features come at a cost. Wen jointers, on the other hand, offer great quality and functionality at a more affordable price point.

But it’s not just about price – we also need to consider the quality of the jointers themselves. When it comes to build quality and durability, both brands are quite comparable. However, many users report that Wen jointers are easier to set up and adjust than Craftsman models.

So when it comes down to it, which brand offers better value for your money? It really depends on your needs and budget. To help you make an informed decision, here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • If you’re on a tight budget and don’t need all the bells and whistles, a Wen jointer might be the way to go.
  • If you’re willing to spend a bit more money for additional features like a helical cutterhead or longer table length, then consider investing in a Craftsman model.
  • Ultimately, both brands offer great options for those in need of a reliable and functional jointer.

When making your final decision between Wen vs Craftsman jointers, remember that it ultimately comes down to what you need from your tool. Consider your budget, desired features, and overall use case before making your purchase.

Customer Reviews And Ratings

After comparing the prices of Wen and Craftsman jointers, it’s time to delve deeper into customer reviews and ratings to determine which brand offers a better model. Many users have voiced their opinions on various platforms, ranging from online marketplaces to forums.

One aspect that stands out in favor of Wen is its user-friendliness. Several customers have praised the ease with which they could set up and operate the machine without any prior experience. The Wen jointer also has a dust collection port that reduces the amount of debris left behind while working, making it a cleaner option for many users.

On the other hand, Craftsman jointers have received positive feedback for their durability and sturdiness. Customers have reported using their machines for years without any significant issues or breakdowns. Additionally, several users have commended the precision of the cutter head, which allows for accurate cuts every time. However, some customers have criticized Craftsman jointers for being too heavy and challenging to move around.

It’s clear that both brands offer unique advantages and disadvantages when it comes to jointers. Ultimately, choosing between them depends on your specific needs and preferences as a user. It’s essential to read through customer reviews thoroughly before making a purchase decision to ensure that you’re investing in a product that meets your expectations.

Final Verdict: Which Brand Should You Choose?

At the end of the day, choosing between Wen and Craftsman jointers ultimately comes down to personal preference. Both brands have their advantages and disadvantages, making it a difficult decision for many woodworkers.

Wen jointers are known for their affordability and ease of use. They offer a range of models with different features to suit the needs of various woodworking projects. However, some users have reported issues with durability and precision.

On the other hand, Craftsman jointers are generally considered more reliable and precise. They may come with a higher price tag, but many woodworkers believe that the extra investment is worth it in terms of performance and longevity. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which brand aligns best with your budget and woodworking goals.


After researching and comparing the Wen and Craftsman jointer models, it’s clear that both brands offer quality products with their own unique pros and cons. When choosing a jointer, it’s important to consider key features such as motor power, cutting capacity, and overall durability.

For those on a budget, the Wen models are generally less expensive while still offering solid performance. However, Craftsman jointers may be worth the extra investment for those who prioritize precision and longevity.

At the end of the day, choosing between Wen and Craftsman comes down to personal preference and individual needs. As the idiom goes, "different strokes for different folks." It’s always wise to read customer reviews and compare prices before making a final decision on your jointer purchase.