Are Wen Jointers Any Good? Here’s Customers View

When it comes to woodworking tools, the wen jointer has become a popular choice among both professionals and hobbyists alike.

Not only is it easy to use, but its affordability makes it an attractive option for those on a budget.

But just how good is it really? To get the real scoop, we asked customers who own or have used one before.

Here’s what they had to say…

The reviews were mostly positive when it came to the ease-of-use and affordability of the wen jointer, although there were some complaints about its accuracy and durability. Of course, no tool is perfect, so let’s take a look at some of the key pros and cons of wen jointers as well as some alternatives that might be better suited for your needs. That way you can make an informed decision when shopping around for woodworking tools.

What Customers Say About Wen Jointers

When it comes to customer opinion on Wen Jointers, the reviews are like a roller coaster – some people love them and others strongly dislike them.

But in general, customers find them to be decent jointers at an affordable price.

Most agree that they perform adequately and the assembly is straightforward. The build quality is average but they do the job they were designed for.

The most frequent complaints are about the lack of precision when planing boards and their limited capabilities compared to more expensive jointers. They also tend to be louder than higher-end models and have shorter tables which makes it difficult for longer boards.

However, these issues can be overcome with practice or by purchasing extensions or table accessories from third-party suppliers.

Those who have been using jointers for a while may find Wen Jointers lacking in features compared to other jointers, but if you’re just starting out or don’t need professional level tools, then Wen Jointers can provide satisfactory results at an attractive price point.

They could also serve as a good stepping stone for those looking to upgrade their tools down the line.

Advantages Of Wen Jointers

Moving on from what customers say about Wen Jointers, let’s talk about the pros of this tool. Wen Jointers have a few key advantages that make them great for joining wood and other materials:

Pros of using a Wen jointer include its affordability, ease of use, and popularity among woodworking enthusiasts. Many customers have found that it performs well for light to medium-duty tasks and produces accurate cuts. It also has a space-saving design, making it easy to store in smaller workshops.

Disadvantages Of Wen Jointers

Cons of using a Wen jointer include its smaller size, which may not be sufficient for larger or more complex projects. Some customers have reported that the machine is prone to vibration and may require adjustments to achieve optimal performance. Additionally, the blades may not be as durable as those found in higher-end jointers, requiring more frequent replacements.

Overall, Wen Jointers have some advantages but also come with their fair share of drawbacks as well. If you want something that’s quieter and more efficient at cutting larger stocks, then you may want to look into other jointer options out there instead.

How does the performance of a Wen jointer compare to other jointers on the market?

There are quite a few jointers on the market, but the Wen jointer has a good reputation for its overall performance. It’s easy to operate, and the built-in dust port helps to keep your workspace clean.

Compared to some of the high-end jointers available, the cutting depth on the Wen jointer is a bit limited which may not be ideal for professional woodworking tasks.

However, for hobbyists and those on a budget, the Wen jointer is definitely a viable option that will get the job done with good results.

It’s not quite as powerful as some more expensive jointers, but it’s certainly capable of handling most woodworking projects with accuracy and ease.

Wen Jointers Average Price

Wen Jointers are known for being affordable compared to other jointer brands in the market. Prices can range from around $250 to $900 depending on the size and features of the jointer.

Wen also offers occasional sales and discounts which can further lower the price.

Other popular jointer brands such as Powermatic and Jet can cost upwards of $1,000 or more, making the Wen Jointer a more accessible option for beginners or those on a tight budget.

Alternatives To Wen Jointers

Some alternative brands to Wen Jointers include Jet, Powermatic, Grizzly, Delta, and Shop Fox.

Jet Jointers are known for their precision and durability, making them a great option for professionals. Powermatic Jointers are also well-regarded for their accuracy and quality construction.

Grizzly offers a wide range of jointers to fit any budget, from smaller benchtop models to larger industrial machines. Delta Jointers are also popular among woodworkers, particularly for their ease of use and reliable performance.

Shop Fox Jointers are another affordable option, known for their smooth operation and solid construction.

However, if you’re looking to invest in a higher-end jointer, brands such as Oliver Machinery, Felder, and Laguna Tools are known for their precision and advanced features.


In conclusion, jointers are an essential tool for any woodworker. After researching customer reviews and various alternative products on the market, it’s safe to say that Wen jointers are a great option for beginner and experienced woodworkers alike. With their ease of use and remarkable results, they provide an excellent value for the money.

That said, it’s important to take into account any disadvantages before making a purchase. WEN jointers may not be suitable for larger projects due to their small size and lack of features.

Fortunately, there are several alternatives that offer more features at a similar price point if you’re looking for something more powerful.

To sum up, when selecting the right jointer, it’s essential to consider your individual needs as well as your budget.

As long as you do your research and weigh all of your options carefully, you should have no problem finding the perfect jointer for your project.